Desarrollo y Simulación de la Evasión y Navegación de Robots Móviles Utilizando Toolboxs de Matlab |
Published in: | Innovation in Education and Inclusion : Proceedings of the 16th LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education and Technology |  |
Date of Conference: | July 18-20, 2018 |
Location of Conference: | Lima, Perú |
Authors: |
Heyson Baez (Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, CO)
Edgar Alirio Aguirre Buenaventura (Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, CO)
Sergio Gonzalez Gil (Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, CO) |
Full Paper: | #124 |
Abstract:In this work, we present a development and simulation of control using by robot in navigation which using software tools for engineering and fundamental in Matlab software and tools such as Simulink, Animation 3D y Fuzzy Logic. In this development we propose by the navigation and the evasion of the objects in the robotics cooperatives platforms and industrial of this environment dynamics and statics. Been successfully the avoidance of objects and generating the route to reach the proposed goal. The Implemented of the rules with statics fuzzy logic software with Matlab, was simulated environment using statics and dynamics devices with the 3D Animation toolbox of Matlab, and finally, was interconnected with the simulation model (3D Animation) with the platform and fuzzy rules (Fuzzy Logic) through the Matlab Simulink toolbox. Finally, these favorable result are obtaining in the evasion and navigation in static and dynamics environments, equal to speed velocity control and in the trolley angle with fuzzy logic. These results are obtaining theoretical data close to the reality for the implementation in a real model as it is in the robotics platform played football using small devices or in an industrial, as one can see the result in a web video.