Guía didáctica como Recurso Educativo Abierto ( REA)Inclusivo con enfoque Constructivista |
Published in: | Innovation in Education and Inclusion : Proceedings of the 16th LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education and Technology |  |
Date of Conference: | July 18-20, 2018 |
Location of Conference: | Lima, Perú |
Authors: | Jessica Guevara Sàenz de Viteri (universidad de guayaquil- facultad filosofìa,letras y c de educación, EC) Edith Mora Burgos (universidad de guayaquil, EC) Lissette Basantez Vasquez (universidad de guayaquil, EC) (universidad de guayaquil- facultad filosofìa,letras y c de educación) |
Full Paper: | #111 |
Abstract:Design and development of didactic guides such as inclusive OER, using recyclable material from the classroom environment, is promoted by integrating the motivational component, teamwork and motor improvement in the students of the intermediate level, as well as the cognitive-motor development of sayers with special motor abilities. It is based on the pedagogical Constructivist model facilitating the work of the teacher, and directing the work towards those who do not have access to ICTs. Chi Square Test was used with respect to the learning cases of Natural Sciences and the use of the Guide as a tool that allows the inclusion of the dicentes through activities, promoting the care of the environment