DISEÑO DE UN SISTEMA AUTOMATIZADO PARA SECADO Y ALMACENAMIENTO DE MAÍZPublished in: | Global Partnerships for Development and Engineering Education: Proceedings of the 15th LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education and Technology |  | Date of Conference: | July 19-21, 2017 | Location of Conference: | Boca Raton, FL, United States | Authors: |
Javier Eduardo Martinez Baquero, MS. (Universidad de los Llanos, CO)
Luis Alfredo Rodriguez Umaña, Eng. (Universidad de los Llanos, CO)
| Full Paper: | #430 | |
Abstract:This article presents the results of work done by teachers and students of the University of the Llanos which is the design of an automated system for storage and drying of grain corn proposed with Programmable Logic Controller ( PLC), which aims to improve the quality of the grain, avoiding the rapid growth of mildew and rot wet seed , plus storage insects like weevils, which are more active and multiply faster in warm, moist grain, facilitating the growth of fungi . The project was divided into three methodological steps, the characteristics of the systems established first, second controller was designed and third results were validated by simulated tests. | |