MÉTODO DE REPRESENTACIÓN DE LA RUGOSIDAD SUPERFICIAL EN TÚNELES PARA MODELOS HIDRÁULICOSPublished in: | Global Partnerships for Development and Engineering Education: Proceedings of the 15th LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education and Technology |  | Date of Conference: | July 19-21, 2017 | Location of Conference: | Boca Raton, FL, United States | Authors: |
Jorge Reyes, PhD. (Universidad de Piura, PE)
Jorge Peña Valdivia, Eng. (Universidad de Piura, PE)
Leo Guerrero, Eng. (Universidad de Piura, PE)
| Full Paper: | #269 | |
Abstract:The present article aims to describe the methodology that allowed to represent the roughness in tunnels for use in physical models. To achieve this, rough tapes were placed along the entire length of the tunnel and separated at specific distances, which provided different values of roughness coefficients inside the structure. There are already some methods of representing this phenomenon in both open and closed ducts, but these present some difficulties both in the very behaviour of the flow, due to the presence of some local phenomena, as in the transport of sediments in the interior of the ducts. Using these tapes would be able to observe these behaviour’s in a reduced physical model.
For this reason, to represent the values of the surface roughness coefficient in physical models, using materials that facilitate the visualization of the flow and the exact representation of the geometry of the structures, motivated to investigate a method that allows to represent the values of roughness for tunnels that work with flow under pressure and gravity. | |