Desinfoxicación de Información como Paradigma de Calidad de InformaciónPublished in: | Global Partnerships for Development and Engineering Education: Proceedings of the 15th LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education and Technology |  | Date of Conference: | July 19-21, 2017 | Location of Conference: | Boca Raton, FL, United States | Authors: |
Luis Eduardo Baquero Rey, (Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores, CO)
Celio Gil Aros, (Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores, CO)
Erlington Salcedo Benavides, (Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores, CO)
| Full Paper: | #168 | |
Abstract:The world has billions of data in information that although it can be consulted, it would be almost impossible to cover the entire spectrum corresponding to it, within a simple query. Additionally, the information to which it can be accessed, does not have any type of descriptor that allows to qualify the quality of the exposed information; being thus, the users should have some specific parameters to be able to validate this information, but given the technical and knowledge impossibilities, it is finished choosing the information that shows the browser first, which only index the information through the visits made to the site.
In this context, it is necessary to define a mechanism that allows the desinfoxication of the information and to have specific controls that define the quality of the information contained within the sources and in this way to generate more effective searches and display information with higher quality. The objective of this investigation and the corresponding technological development is to define this tool by taking different perspectives of the investigators within the corresponding field of knowledge and bring. | |