Passive mobilizer of the wrist jointPublished in: | Global Partnerships for Development and Engineering Education: Proceedings of the 15th LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education and Technology |  | Date of Conference: | July 19-21, 2017 | Location of Conference: | Boca Raton, FL, United States | Authors: |
Harold Rodriguez Arias, (Fundación Tecnológica Antonio de Arévalo, CO)
Erika Rodriguez Arias, (Universidad Francisco José de Caldas, CO)
Michael Rodriguez Arias, (Centrales Eléctricas de Norte de Santander, CO)
| Full Paper: | #159 | |
Abstract:The wrist joint is of great importance in daily life activities at all stages of life, as well as in sports gestures for high performance athletes. For this reason, optimum rehabilitation is essential. Present an injury and allow a complete inclusion to daily activities. The proposal of a passive mobilizing machine for the wrist joint becomes one more tool for physiotherapists to perform an optimal rehabilitation taking into account the physiological angles of movement, as well as to include the use of the technology and allowing an adequate recovery. | |