Sistema de Indicadores de Gestión de la Universidad de los Llanos

Published in: Proceedings of the 13th Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology: Engineering Education Facing the Grand Challenges, What Are We Doing?
Date of Conference: July 29 - 31, 2015
Location of Conference: Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Authors: Hoover Fabian Molina Aulestia
Jonathan Efreen Sarmiento Ortiz
Oscar Manuel Agudelo Varela
Refereed Paper: #69


The Universidad de los Llanos must submit to the Ministerio Nacional de Educación (MEN) accurate and timely information that reflects institutional dynamic and management; this requires the cooperation of different areas to report their information, especially the Planning area that should consolidate and prepare reports to the MEN. This process was implemented manually but the importance and difficulties of the operation did imminent the implementation of an information system that would support data entry and consolidation, in a timely, reliable, and adequate recording of the activities in a way that can so ensure the recovery or association of the data to the real sources. This document describes how the implementation was carried out, what modules were developed and the results.

Keywords--SUE indicators, MVC, ADF, Sprint, SCRUM.