Methodology for Determine the Moment of Disconnection of Patients of the Mechanical Ventilation using Neural Network |
Published in: | Innovation in Engineering, Technology and Education for Competitiveness and Prosperity: Proceedings of the 11th Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology |  |
Date of Conference: | August 14-16, 2013 |
Location of Conference: | Cancun, Mexico |
Authors: | Hernando González Acevedo Holmann Erick Acevedo Carlos Julio Arizmendi Beatriz F. Giraldo
Refereed Paper: | #243 |
Abstract: |
In English:
The process of weaning from mechanical ventilation is one of the challenges in intensive care units. In this paper
66 patients under extubation process (T-tube test) were studied: 33 patients with successful trials and 33 patients
who failed to maintain spontaneous breathing and were reconnected. Each patient was characterized using 7 time
series from respiratory signals, and for each serie was extracted 4 statistics data. Two types of Neural Networks
were applied for discriminate between patients from the two groups: radial basis function and multilayer
perceptron, getting better results with the second type of network.
In Spanish:
El proceso de destete de la ventilación mecánica es uno de los desafíos en las unidades de cuidados intensivos. En
este trabajo se esturiaron 66 pacientes en proceso de extubación (Tubo en T): 33 pacientes con éxito de los
ensayos y 33 pacientes que no lograron mantener la respiración espontánea y se vuelven a conectar. Cada paciente
fue caracterizado utilizando 7 series de tiempo de las señales de las vías respiratorias, y para cada serie se
evaluaron 4 datos estadísticos. Dos arquitecutras de redes neuronales se aplicaron para discriminar entre pacientes
de los dos grupos: red de base radial y perceptrón multicapa, obteniendo mejores resultados con el segundo tipo
de red.