A Generalized Thermomechanic Approach |
Published in: | Megaprojects: Building Infrastructure by Fostering Engineering Collaboration, Efficient and Effective Integration and Innovative Planning: Proceedings of the 10th Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology |  |
Date of Conference: | July 23-25, 2012 |
Location of Conference: | Panama City, Panama |
Authors: | Hermann Alcázar Rojas Cesar P. Castillo Cáceres Mario J. Valencia Salas Darwin R. Álvarez Flores
Refereed Paper: | #178 |
Abstract |
A generalized thermomechanic approach is obtained starting with an analysis of internal variables and
thermodynamic potentials dealing with classical thermodynamics. This concept is extended for small
deformations in continuum mechanics, where after applying conservation of mass, balance of linear momemtum,
balance of moment of momentum, the first and second law of thermodynamics the Clausius-Duhem inequality is
obtained. After applying the normality rule and making use of Lagrange multipliers and yield functions it was
concluded for n-state equations (for n-state variables) m-yield functions (m≤n) are used to define the internal state
variables evolution.