How IGIP, the International Society for Engineering Education, intends to tackle the New Pedagogic Challenges in Engineering Education

Published in: Megaprojects: Building Infrastructure by Fostering Engineering Collaboration, Efficient and Effective Integration and Innovative Planning: Proceedings of the 10th Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology
Date of Conference: July 23-25, 2012
Location of Conference: Panama City, Panama
Authors: Axel Zafoschnig
Refereed Paper: #173


Never has the speed of development in the area of engineering been as accelerated as it is today, as we observe the enormous and driven growth of the area of engineering. Today’s tendencies require well-coordinated new efforts in engineering education - or in other words: The importance of pedagogy in the field of engineering in both, the secondary and the tertiary sectors, is growing enormously. These changes strongly demand new didactic and pedagogic paradigms. The International Society of Engineering Education (IGIP) offers to contribute to the relevance and pedagogical aspects related to developing educational concepts in engineering education.