Importancia de la metodología en la implantación de las TICs en empresas de servicios como herramientas para la mejora continua

Published in: Engineering for a Smarter Planet: Innovation, ITC, and Computational Tools for Sustainable Development: Proceedings of the 9th Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology
Date of Conference: August 3-5, 2011
Location of Conference: Medellin, Colombia
Authors: Martha Carrillo
Andrea Duque
Diego Claro
Roniver Andrade
Refereed Paper: #308


ICTs are changing the traditional way of doing things, people who work for the government, private companies, directing staff or working as independent professional in any field of information technologies used daily by using the Internet, Credit cards, electronic payment of payroll workers, among other functions, that is why the role of ICTs in the different business processes have been expanded significantly. In response to these needs, companies PYMES that are not self-sufficient to meet these needs, making it urgent to create methodological tools to adopt for the benefit of growth and continuous improvement to make them more competitive. Partitioning is how these needs in a practical way in or work action phases of small and medium enterprises can take to turn these necessary changes in the current market conditions, which penetrate into the future of applications