Herramienta Académica para la Distribución del Almacén con Estanterías de Doble cara Según el Pick Density |
Published in: | Engineering for a Smarter Planet: Innovation, ITC, and Computational Tools for Sustainable Development: Proceedings of the 9th Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology |  |
Date of Conference: | August 3-5, 2011 |
Location of Conference: | Medellin, Colombia |
Authors: | Juan G. Arrieta Posada Guillermo L. Carmona González Sara C. Botero Escobar
Refereed Paper: | #279 |
Abstract |
The distribution of the articles in the warehouse has a high impact on the logistic costs of the enterprises. There
are different distribution strategies for a warehouse; one of them is the configuration by frequency of access. This
work presents an academic tool, developed in Excel that implements that strategy in a warehouse with two-faced
shelves and independent entrance and exit accesses. The purpose of this tool is that students can analyze and
comprehend more easily the impact that the distribution of the articles has on the traveling times on a warehouse,
on the labor costs and on the pick density.