The universities are not free of the changes, but take place at world – wide level, requiring graduates able to the of
direct the scenes in which they interact. This must move all of us to present a strategies the develop competition to
direct in the graduates of engineering. . This investigation is structured of an introduction, the situation of the
problem to be studied, that describes where is extracted the theoretical design; The exposition of the problem, the
object of the investigation, the objective, the action field and the ideas to be defended. The tasks of investigation
and the methods and techniques to be applied were defined. The first part is directed to reflect the historical,
ontological, logical and epistemological of the object of study and the field of action, and one second part it
appears the theoretical model and the practical instrument, in addition, the practical application. At the theoretical
level, the importance of this research lies in the grounds of the development of managerial competence, and its
practical value is the strategy for the development of managerial competence. The scientific novelty is expressed
in the relations as manifest regularities in the dynamics of the training model of direct competition which in turn
are generating strategy.