Since the last decade of the twenty century the influence of computers, the Internet, and Information and
Communication Technologies (ICTs), has progressively increased on teaching-learning activities for engineering
programs in our country. Parallelly to the multiplicity of traditional propietary software and hardware resources
used in universities, an alternative trend, based on free-open source resources for software and hardware, has
gained importance for academic community members. Free-Open source tools and resources have many features
that make them very attractive for people related to engineering because of aspects like costs, upgrade-license
management flexibility, collaboration, source code accessibility, among others. Today we can access a plethora of
free-open source hardware and software (F-OSS/HW) resources related to electronic engineering, ranging from
Ohm’s law to specialized topics on robotics, control and automation. Through the incorporation of free-open
source tools to courses belonging to an Electronic Engineering undergraduate program, from basic level semesters
to advanced ones, major improvements related to teaching and learning experiences could be achieved. This
article presents some outlines to develop strategies for the improvement of teaching-learning efficiency in
electronic engineering by adopting free-open resources as a driving force for the enhancement of educational and
research performance on both teachers and students.