El emprendedor, actor social en los procesos de innovación del desarrollo endógeno venezolano The entrepreneur, social actor in the process of innovation within the Venezuelan endogenous development |
Published in: | Engineering for a Smarter Planet: Innovation, ITC, and Computational Tools for Sustainable Development: Proceedings of the 9th Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology |  |
Date of Conference: | August 3-5, 2011 |
Location of Conference: | Medellin, Colombia |
Authors: | Luisa Benavides de Finol Liliam Alvarado L.
Refereed Paper: | #169 |
Abstract |
The research was aimed at designing a system of sustainable innovation within the framework of endogenous
development policies of the government of Venezuela, which is an alternative to allow reposition elements
that promote local development. The work aims to demonstrate that there is no correspondence between the
policy of endogenous development and innovation. The lack of evaluation of the implementation of these
policies has not been recognized, which means it has not been rated innovation as fundamental variable in
the process of solving local problems and thus the foundation of the concept of development assumed. The
model sets up a process of self-assessment, self-definition and re-adaptability of the productive system,
flexible, accessible and easy to use by those involved in it. This explains why the results at this stage of
research relating to one of the four variables investigated and that has to do with relationships between the
entrepreneur and the environment.