Ingeniería de Requisitos para Procesos de Ejecución de Estrategias de Mercadeo. Casao de Estudio: Cervecería Polar C.A |
Published in: | Engineering for a Smarter Planet: Innovation, ITC, and Computational Tools for Sustainable Development: Proceedings of the 9th Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology |  |
Date of Conference: | August 3-5, 2011 |
Location of Conference: | Medellin, Colombia |
Authors: | Karinthia Sarabia Jesús Chaparro
Refereed Paper: | #108 |
Abstract |
Present investigation was to develop the engineering business application requirements for the management,
control and monitoring of the implementation process of marketing strategies (Pulse and Fronts) in the
Coordination of Development at the Point of Sale Cervecería Polar C.A Territory South East Business. The type
of research is of a projective and descriptive level. The techniques and instruments for data collection was direct
observation, document review and structured interviews in order to obtain reliable information based on content
analysis as a technique of information processing. To accomplish objectives, the methodology used is of software
development Gray Watch in conjunction with the Unified Modeling Language (UML). The study includes a
thorough analysis of technical processes, business models and requirements engineering proposed by the
methodology. Requirements engineering course offers a solution to design and build enterprise application to
respond to the needs presented in coordination with the aim to automate Pulse and Front’s processes. We propose
a system developed under the Web environment to improve the effective processing of the required strategies.