Construction competitiveness. Some opportunities for the Venezuelan case. |
Published in: | Engineering for a Smarter Planet: Innovation, ITC, and Computational Tools for Sustainable Development: Proceedings of the 9th Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology |  |
Date of Conference: | August 3-5, 2011 |
Location of Conference: | Medellin, Colombia |
Authors: | Licia Pietrosemoli de Dikdan Carlos Rodríguez Monroy
Refereed Paper: | #54 |
Abstract |
Construction is one of the world´s main activities because of the benefits it provides to society, and this justifies
efforts for its improvement. Because of the complexities of this industry the benefits of construction do no reach
all sectors of society thus creating shortcomings and social demands. Through examples related to the Latin
American and Venezuelan competitiveness and housing situation, authors evaluate various goals and
opportunities of this industry, revise some public policies, sustainable construction and knowledge management
shortages and present a compilation of strategies oriented to create better conditions for construction. This paper
is part of ongoing research oriented at improving construction performance and competitiveness. The study
highlights the responsibility of individuals, governments, academic and productive sectors to disseminate
information about existing shortages and opportunities and joint efforts to face problems that may be common for
diverse developed and developing countries. Final goal is to propose some basic solutions based on the
innovations and technology available using knowledge and learning as the most valuable resources to support
construction competitiveness progress as path to improve quality of life.