Uso de Wiki en la asignatura Introducción a la Computación:Una experiencia con estudiantes

Published in: Innovation and Development for the Americas: Engineering, Education, Research and Development: Proceedings of the 8th Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology
Date of Conference: June 1-4, 2010
Location of Conference: Arequipa, Peru
Authors: Pilar León
Marina Meza
Susanna Turci
Marianella Villegas
Refereed Paper: #173


The purpose of this research is to describe an experience involving short careers students at Simon Bolívar University in an academic quarter april-july 2009, in which they took Introduction to Computing and were asked to develop a Wiki as final project. Course evaluation was formative and mainly between students and the teacher taking into account the correspondence among the technical report, the project requirements and the final product. In the first part, a general overview of Web 2.0 is done; then the applications are characterized and the choice of Wiki for this educational intervention is justified in the context where they are applied. After that, the students’ experience is described during the project and their Wiki presentations as final product. Results are analyzed and relevant aspects in the use of Wikis as generators of favorable environments for learning are signaled. Lastly, conclusions drawn from results which evidenced the importance of Wiki as a tool that enhances effective and contextualized learning, allowing students to build up creativity and originality in a versatile and friendly way.