The aim of the paper is to acquaint the reader with the design of the incorporated absorber to the vibration
machine with rotating members, which makes the reduction of the vibration of the machine to a minimum
possible. Vibration in a machine has two effects. First, the very high peak accelerations can mean that the
effective weight of the vibration machine increases several-fold, and this may cause its destruction. Secondly,
people near machine feel these accelerations, which can be uncomfortable or even dangerous. A vibration
absorber is used to protect the machine from steady-state harmonic disturbance. By attaching the absorber to the
machine, which is modeled as a SDOF system, the new system becomes a two DOF system. The present article
will discuss a method of vibration control LQR (Linear Quadratic Control) for structure using the vibration
absorber without damping. Depending on the driving frequency of the original system, the absorber needs to be
carefully tuned, that is, to choose adequate values of absorber mass and stiffness, so that motion of the original
mass is a minimum.