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Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions |
Conference Track: Outreach
Programs and Acribitiees Selection1:
Panel Language:
English Keywords:
Pre-College Programs with a Science Component Contact Title: Ms. Contact First Name: Sofía Contact Last Name: Santiesteban University:
Florida International University Web:
www.fiu.edu/~fiupreco/ Position:
Director Country:
US Email:
santiest@fiu.edu Fax:
305-348-1743 Paper Title: Pre-College Programs Stressing the Science Component Abstract: Florida International University currently has several programs to
attract low-income and future first-generation-in-college students. These
programs have intensive experiences where the participants encounter
science centered curriculum and interact with faculty, staff and currently
enrolled college students. The programs invites applicants from Broward,
Dade and Collier counties. The programs are recognized by the acronyms
CROP (College Reach Out Program) Switch-On in Mathematics and Science;
Middle School CROP; and Upward Bound. CROP Swith-On is organized with the Physics Department. Funding
comes from the Florida Department of Education, Miami Dade Community
College, Key West Community College, and FIU. Middle School CROP is a five-week of workshops for middle school
students in the College Reach-Out program. The curriculum is an
interdisciplinary approach to improve writing, math and socialization
skills. The students also receive additional language arts, social studies
and competencies in the sciences. The focus of the program changes every
year with a common denominator in the physical and biological sciences. Upward Bound is a federally funded program with an academic year
and a summer component that serves high school students as well as
recently graduated high school students who are transitioning into
college. The program has a yearly tutorial component, biweekly Saturday
workshops and a residential summer. The summer session lasts five weeks
and covers an intensive program for the regular high school student, from
9th through 12th grade. It includes a curriculum to cover Math, Physics,
Chemistry, English Composition and Literature, Computer Education and
Introductory Spanish with extracurricular activities that range from Judo
to additional skills to apply and survive in college. For the bridge
students it includes four to seven college credits where a Freshman
Experience course is an integral part. Mailing Address: Upward Bound & Pre-College Programs FIU, University Park, GC225 11200 S.W. 8th Street Miami, FL 33199 Phone: 305-348-1745 Other Authors: Sofia Santiesteban / santiest@fiu.edu /
Florida International University /(P) Keriann Boxhill/ boxhillk@fiu.edu (Co-P) |