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Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions |
Conference Track: Information
Technology Selection1:
Paper Language:
English Keywords:
sensor networks, smart sensors, ad-hoc networks, wireless
communications Contact Title:
Mr. Contact First Name: Hetal Contact Last Name: Jasani University:
Florida International University (IT2) Web:
http://faculty.eng.fiu.edu/~hjasan01 Position:
Graduate Assistant Country:
USA Email:
hetal.jasani@fiu.edu Paper Title: On seamless intergration of Wireless Networks Abstract: Low tier wireless systems such as Wireless LAN (WLAN) support
bandwidth-intensive applications with less mobility support. On the other
hand, high tier wireless systems such as GPRS and UMTS/GSM provide users
an increased range of connectivity with less bandwidth. Packet-data
services are an important growth area for Wireless Wide Area Networks (WWANs).
WLAN is seen as an important medium for offering services that couldn't
otherwise satisfactorily be offered with WWAN technology alone. While
several approaches have been proposed in literature for improving the
performance of wireless data networks, a recent class of approaches has
focused on improving the underlying wireless network model itself. WLAN
must be able to handle session continuity just as well as WWAN has done
for voice over the years. This paper looks into a seamless integration
environment, which consist of various heterogeneous networks like
Bluetooth Scatternets (WPAN), 802.11 networks (WLAN), and GSM/UMTS (! WWAN/WMAN). It should be possible to reach a user's device
regardless of the network to which it is attached. Ultimately, devices
with various enabling technologies can talk to each other and also switch
between technologies according to desired Quality of Service (QOS)
requirement, security and other factors like power consumption, required
bit rate etc., while maintaining session continuity across the two or more
access types. This paper considers roaming and handover between these
access types. The problems and challenges faced in a WLAN environment are
outlined and multi-tier wireless cell architecture is introduced. Mailing Address: 9020 NW 8th ST, APT 315, MIAMI, FL 33172 Phone: 305-553-0853 Other Authors: Mr. Hetal Jasani / hetal.jasani@fiu.edu / FIU / (P) Dr. Kia Makki / makkik@fiu.edu / FIU Dr. Niki Pissinou / pissinou@fiu.edu / FIU