![]() |
Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions |
Conference Track: Emerging
Technologies Selection1:
Paper Language:
English Keywords:
wireless multimedia, scalable coding, error control, wireless
applications Contact Title:
Prof. Contact First Name: Borko Contact Last Name: Furht University:
Florida Atlantic University Web:
www.cse.fau.edu Position:
Professor & Chairman Country:
USA Email:
borko@cse.fau.edu Fax:
1-561-297-2800 Selection:
Definitely YES Submit:
Submit Date:
Wednesday, February 25, 2004 Time:
11:48:02 AM Paper Title: Wireless Multimedia – Challenges and Applications Abstract: The adoption of the wireless Internet strictly depends on the
mobile bandwidth. The new 3G technologies with speeds of 2 to 4 Mbps will
open doors for many innovative wireless applications that use streaming
video and multimedia. In this paper, we address several wireless
multimedia challenges and present potential solutions. The capacity of a
wireless video system is limited by the available bandwidth of the radio
spectrum and various types of noise and interference. The wireless channel
is the weakest link of multimedia networks, because mobility causes fading
and error bursts. Therefore, we introduce in the paper a new scalable
video coding scheme that can adapt in real time to the bandwidth
variations over heterogeneous wireless networks. Another challenge deals
with delivering rich digital media over wireless networks that have high
error rates and low and varying transmission speeds. We introduce an
innovative multimedia error control technique that provides error
resilience and can recover from packet loss. In the second part of the
paper, we present an overview of wireless multimedia applications
including M-commerce applications, transaction management, digital content
delivery, and telemetry services. We also discuss the future of wireless
systems including 4G technology. Finally, we present a prototype of a
commercial wireless phone system, for which we have designed and developed
a real time video coding and transmission system. Mailing Address: Florida Atlantic University Department of Computer Science and Engineering 777 Glades Road Boca Raton, Florida 33431 Phone: 1-561-297-3180 Other Authors: Full Author Name / email / University /(P) Borko Furht/ borko@cse.fau.edu/ Florida Atlantic University /(P) Hari Kalva/ hari@cse.fau.edu/ FAU Oge Marques/ oge@cse.fau.edu/FAU |