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Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions |
Conference Track: Emerging
Technologies Keywords:
Dynamic Control, Dynamic Assignment, Traffic Engineering Contact Title:: Dr. Contact First name: Didier Contact Last name: Valdes University: University of Puerto Rico at
Mayaguez Web:
Associate Professor Country:
USA Email:
dvaldes@uprm.edu Fax:
97870 265-3390 Paper Title: The Summer Transportation Institute (STI) at the University of
Puerto Rico: A first step of high school Puerto Ricans in the University Abstract: The Civil Infrastructure Research Center (CIRC) of the University
of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez (UPRM) has managed the Summer Transportation
Institute at the University of Puerto Rico during last three summer
sessions. The objective of
this program is to expose a group of high school students to a variety of
academic experiences designed to motivate them toward various professions
mainly related to the transportation industry.
High school students soon to enter their Junior Year are eligible
to participate on our Summer Transportation Institute in Puerto Rico. The activities are very diverse and include two trips to San
Juan, the capital city of Puerto Rico, each time with an overnight stay.
Besides these and other day-long field trips, our institute
provided class sessions in transportation related topics, as well as
participatory working sessions for the students to develop their projects.
The participants also learned to write technical reports and
prepare presentations, and about opportunities to study and work in the
areas related to transportation. A
number of sports activities, competitions, and motivational activities
complemented the academic activities. Our institute has been a complete success due in part to the
enthusiastic support we received from National Summer Transportation
Institute Resource Center, as well as from the University of Puerto Rico
at Mayagüez administration at all levels. We also received support from
the state and federal transportation agencies. Mailing Address: University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez Department of Civil Engineering and Surveying P.O. Box 9041 Mayaguez, PR 00681 Phone: (787) 265-3815 ext. 2179 Authors: Didier M. Valdés-Díaz (P) dvaldes@uprm.edu Antonio A. González-Quevedo antonio@ce.uprm.edu Freya M. Toledo-Feria ftoledo@uprm.edu University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez |