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Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions |
Conference Track: Information
Technology Selection1:
Paper Language:
English Keywords:
building product model, collaborative design, construction
industry, ontologies Contact Title: Ms. Contact First Name: Qi Ying Contact Last Name: Cai University:
University of Hong Kong Web:
http://www.hku.hk Position:
postgraduate student Country:
Hong Kong Email:
kikicqy@hkusua.hku.hk Paper Title: Abstract: With the application of ICT (Information and Communication
Technology) in the construction industry, people aim to integrate
heterogeneous information flow across the disparate disciplines through
the project lifecycle. To achieve interoperability, several platforms or
industry standards have been established, for example, IFC (Industry
Foundation Classes) and aecXML developed by IAI (International Alliance
for Interoperability). However, to exchange compatible information is
insufficient for interoperability. Without necessary knowledge support,
computing tools cannot “understand” what the information means and
thus fail to integrate them. Ontologies, as concept modeling tools to
support semantic interpretation of information, have aroused much research
awareness in diverse industries. After an overview of current ontology
researches in the construction industry, e.g. STABU/BAS, eConstruct,
ISTforCE, etc., this paper discusses the potentials of ontologies for
modeling collaborative design. We identify the drawbacks of IFC and argue
that ontologies can help to overcome the obstacles. At last, we compare
several modeling languages, e.g. XML, RDF, and OWL, in representing the
ontologies and also highlight the advantages of Protégé-2000 as an
ontology editor in developing ontologies for collaborative design. Mailing Address: Rm 523, Dept. of Real Estate and Construction, Univ. of Hong Kong,
Pokfulam Rd, Hong Kong Phone:
Authors: Qi Ying Cai/kikicqy@hkusua.hku.hk/Univ. of Hong Kong (P) Fung Fai Ng/hrrbnff@hku.hk/Univ. of Hong Kong |