Análisis Comparativo usando minería de datos en la predicción del rendimiento académico de adolescentes basado en emociones

Published in: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure for Sustainable Cities and Communities: Proceedings of the 17th LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education and Technology
Date of Conference: July 24-26, 2019
Location of Conference: Montego Bay, Jamaica
Authors: Gleny Paola Gamarra Ramos (Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa, PE)
María Elisabeth Farfán Choquehuanca (Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa, PE)
(Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa)
Full Paper: #77


All research related to performance academic is of great importance in our society due to the decadence that our educational system suffers, that is why it proposes to carry out a comparative analysis using techniques of data mining to predict the academic performance of adolescents based on emotions, for this we make use of data mining techniques such as decision trees and networks Bayesian, reaching in this way a deep analysis through those two techniques. To make this analysis, use was made of data collected selectively from an educational institution of Arequipa, obtaining as a result that the students who tend to have negative emotions during the first years of secondary school students have low academic performance compared to the rest of the students.