Inspección y Reparación de Viviendas de Albañilería Confinada con Daño Sísmico

Published in: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure for Sustainable Cities and Communities: Proceedings of the 17th LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education and Technology
Date of Conference: July 24-26, 2019
Location of Conference: Montego Bay, Jamaica
Authors: Brian Francisco Chavez Huerta (Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, PE)
Martin Andree Espiritu Castillejo (Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, PE)
Junior Didi Orihuela Davila (Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, PE)
(Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas)
Full Paper: #44


In this work a quick way of realizing the inspection of a house after having been subjected to seismic solicitations is exposed, through a mobile application, in order to identify damages and categorize confined masonry dwellings as total, habitable security , careful and unsafe, according to the current state of said dwelling based on the width of the cracks of the affected structural elements, such as bearing walls, beams and columns, as well as in the parameters defined in the national building regulations. On the other hand, two repair techniques are proposed for cracked bearing walls: the use of carbon fiber and electrowelded mesh. Which will allow to increase the resistance of these walls; Subsequently, the effectiveness of this combined technique is verified through a computational analysis. The results indicate that the cut resistance increased around 100% in the most critical walls.