Cryptographic Methods for Deciphering/Identifying Ciphers in MATLAB

Published in: Engineering Innovations for Global Sustainability: Proceedings of the 14th Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology
Date of Conference: July 20-22, 2016
Location of Conference: San Jose, Costa Rica
Authors: Christian Pinto
Harrison Carranza
Student Papers: #069


Cryptographic methods are used worldwide to keep information safe. Monoalphabetic, Polyalphabetic or Polygraphic substitutions, etc., are methods that can make the information secure. Once encrypted, the receiver should be able to understand the message with a given key. If there is no key, the formula called Index of Coincidence (IC) can help deciphering. It narrows down the search for the method used with the result obtained from the IC formula. Using the MATLAB IDE, we will implement the ciphers mentioned above and along with the IC formula, determine the cipher if no key is present.