Análisis para la ponderación de factores influyentes en el proceso de movilidad estudiantil en un programa de ingeniería en Colombia mediante AHP

Published in: Engineering Innovations for Global Sustainability: Proceedings of the 14th Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology
Date of Conference: July 20-22, 2016
Location of Conference: San Jose, Costa Rica
Authors: Jair Eduardo Rocha González
Jeimy Alejandra Rivera Camargo
Jeimy Nataly Roa Gámez
Refereed Paper: #220


This paper presents the results of an academic research project about the level of importance of different factors influencing decision making in the process of student mobility of the program industrial engineering at the University of La Salle in Bogota, Colombia. The research used a method of gathering information on primary sources, which was attended by forty-nine individuals with affiliations student in that curriculum, who evaluated nine factors identified in advance as critical in the process of mobility and student exchange other institutions of higher education in the country and outside it. Finally data analysis through the use of the technique of analytic hierarchy process (AHP) shows a scale of factors in which it is possible to identify those with the highest prevalence in students when making decisions about student mobility, with which is expected to implement future strategies that allow a greater emphasis on school available destinations.