Diseño de Patrones de Estratificación de Cultivos en el Departamento del Huila Colombia, Minería de Datos para una Agricultura de Precisión

Published in: Engineering Innovations for Global Sustainability: Proceedings of the 14th Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology
Date of Conference: July 20-22, 2016
Location of Conference: San Jose, Costa Rica
Authors: Ferley Medina Rojas
Henry Arguello Fuentes
Cristina Gómez
Refereed Paper: #104


Currently in the department of Huila stratification of crops it is through the selection of soil type, height above sea level, and the characteristics of the seed. The existence of other factors related to the characteristics of the climate and the social conditions of the area is not taken into account. The use the stratification patterns in crops the department of Huila allows planning of agricultural areas and contributes to improved economic conditions in areas. Using tools like as CRISP-DM and WEKA software contribute to the design of these patterns. A second phase is in process with the use of spectral images, treated with compressive sampling techniques to help strengthen precision agriculture in this department.