Web-monitoring module for the Xilema Suria video surveillance system

Published in: Proceedings of the 13th Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology: Engineering Education Facing the Grand Challenges, What Are We Doing?
Date of Conference: July 29 - 31, 2015
Location of Conference: Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Authors: Denis Luis Espinosa Pérez
Eliecer Sánchez Ramírez
Julio Jesús Garcia Coste
Yunior Camilo Cabrera Domínguez
Refereed Paper: #139


Xilema Suria is a video surveillance system, which allows the monitoring, analysis and control of video surveillance IP cameras. It was designed as a modular system that allows the integration of different components and it is developed to be used in desktop environments. This kind of design restricts its used to the monitoring seasons where the visor module be installed. Moreover it decreases its availability and accessibility from other network points. The current paper describes a solution alternative to the problems mentioned before starting from the implementation of a web application for the monitoring, analysis of the video flows emitted by the IP cameras as well as the control of these ones by means of the used of a plugin architecture-based. To develop the application the JavaScript Ext JS framework 4.2.7, the PHP 5.4 programming language as well as the VLC web plugin for its visualization was used. A camera control plugin to the Vivotek PT 7135 was developed by creating the bases for the development of new plugins for the control of other camera modules.

Keywords-- video surveillance, cameras, monitoring, web