Indicadores para la evaluación de la Calidad del Servicio Comercial en Empresas del Sector Eléctrico Venezolano

Published in: Innovation and Development for the Americas: Engineering, Education, Research and Development: Proceedings of the 8th Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology
Date of Conference: June 1-4, 2010
Location of Conference: Arequipa, Peru
Authors: Juan Francisco Poletto
Maritza Torres Samuel
Carmen Luisa Vásquez
Refereed Paper: #92


The aim of this paper is to make a proposal of indicators tailored to the new reality of Venezuela's electricity sector and current trends in the evaluation of services. We review government regulations such as the Quality Standard of Electrical Distribution Service, theories about service quality, ISO standards and the recognized survey of Regional Energy Integration Commission (CIER). Indicators are proposed based on the main points of contact with the user, considering the cycle of commercial service, grouped into the dimensions of billing, care requirements and complaints, communications and notifications and payments. Firms in this sector should guide efforts towards a necessary transformation of their strategies to take a broader view of the meaning, operationalization and evaluation of the quality of commercial service, incorporating in it the customer opinion and the value of information.