The Third LACCEI Latin American and Caribbean Conference on Engineering and Technology,
LACCET'2005 - Cartagena, Colombia, 8-10 June 2005

Environmental Engineering and Ecology Track

64.  Performance of Fish Passage Systems at the Dams Located on the Rivers of the Lower Rio de la Plata Basin
Dr. C. Baigun
Intituto Tecnológico de Chacomus INTECH, ARGENTINA

71.  Reconocimiento de Voz en el Saguinus oedipus
M.Sc. H. Campanella Pineda, Ing. P. Fuentes Montoya y Ing. N. Schettini Castro
Universidad del Norte, COLOMBIA
Resumen   Escrito

80. Capping Design Approaches: Natural and Engineered Isolation for Reduction in Bioavailability
Dr. C. E. Ruiz, PE Dr. P. R. Schroeder
U. S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, USA 

92.  Recuperación y Reciclamiento de Agua Residual del Sistema de Decapado Difusicón Diálisis
B. Treviño Arjona, MC A. H. Santillán, MC S. López, MC L. Abdala, Ing. J. Rodriguez
Instituto Tecnológica y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey - Campus Monterrey, MÉXICO
Resumen   Escrito

103.  Integrating Information Across Continents for Improved Ecosystem Management: The Case of the The Paraná and Mississippi Systems
Eco. John M. Nestler, Bio. C. R. M. Baigún, MSc N. Oldani, C. Vionnet, L. Weber
U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, USA
Intituto Tecnológico de Chacomus INTECH, ARGENTINA
Centro Regional de Desarrollo Instituto Nacional de Technologia CERIDE, ARGENTINA
Universidad National del Littoral, ARGENTINA
University of Iowa, USA

145.  Ecohydrology: The Emerging Science of Water, Earth and Vegetation Interactions
Dr. F. Miralles-Wilhelm
University of Miami, USA

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