The Third LACCEI Latin American and Caribbean Conference on Engineering and Technology,
LACCET'2005 - Cartagena, Colombia, 8-10 June 2005

BioEngineering Track

9.  Diseño y Construcción de un Fonoenterógrafo Digital
J. E. Chong
Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey - Campus Estado de México, MÉXICO
Resumen   Escrito

50.  Electrodos para la Rehabilitación de Hemiplejias
J. F. Delgado, C. A Jaimes Aguilar, I. Oliveros Pantoja
Universidad del Norte, COLOMBIA
Resumen  Escrito

67.  Electromyographic Activities of Shoulder Muscles during Forward and Reverse Manual Wheelchair Propulsion
D. M. Rincon, S. Ye, M. Rodriguez, S. Nasser
Florida International University, USA
Abstract   Paper 

107.  Advanced manufacturing techniques applications for the production in Colombia of personalized medical cranial implants
C. Rodriguez Arroyave, I. D. López Gómez, A. Sierra Bustamante, L. S. Valenzuela Dow


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